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- USB 2.0 to WMBus (Wireless MBus) Converter
- Listen WMBus Messages from PC ( or send WMBus Messages from PC)
- 868MHz Wireless MBus (WMBus) Radio Frequency (RF) Communication
- USB Type A Cable, 3m Length

USB 2.0 to 868MHz WMBus (Wireless MBus) Converter With USB Type A Cable


How many optical probes do you need?
If you buy less than 5 items you will lose your 5% discount
161.50 USD 170.00 USD
per one optical probe
807.50 USD 850.00 USD
total price
[+] More Specifications [-] More Specifications
Antenna Connector and WMBus ( Wireless MBus) Technical Details
868MHz Wireless MBus (WMBus) Radio Frequency (RF) Communication
1 Standard SMA female Antenna interface, 50 ohm
Unlimited Numbers of WMbus device data can be listened over air and AES Decryption of Received Frames for up to 128 Devices available
AES Encryption of Transmitted frames is also available
LED Indicators
Following LEDs are available to show the device status.
PC Tx and RX LEDs turn ON and OFF based on data transmission on USB connection side
Status LED blinks during normal operation
RF Tx and RX LEDs turn ON and OFF based on data transmission on WMBus side

  • Payment Options

    Bank wire transfer option is available. Please contact us with your company commercial details for this method.

  • Drivers

    My operation system is
    Relase Date: 2017-08-30
    X86 (32-BIT): 2.12.28
    X64 (64-BIT): 2.12.28

  • Delivery

    We ship worldwide via Express shipment. It takes maximum 2-3 days to deliver. It is always possible to use customer courier account and please contact us for that specific requirements.

  • Money back guarantee

    We offer you money back guarantee if you do not satisfy with the quality and performance of our probes.