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LKM Series Modbus RTU to IEC62056-21 Gateway are designed to be used with electricity meters that communicates in IEC62056-21 standard. The meters that supports IEC62056-21 standard has read out tables that has several data such as import energy, export energy, phase voltages and currents. LKM Series Modbus RTU to IEC62056-21 Gateway automatically reads that values and maps to Modbus registers. Field devices or software systems can easily read data over Modbus RTU protocol so that energy meter reading can easily be integrated to field automation systems without need of IEC6056-21 protocol implementation.

LKM Series MODBUS RTU to IEC62056-21 Meter Gateway


How many optical probes do you need?
If you buy less than 5 items you will lose your 5% discount
199.50 USD 210.00 USD
per one optical probe
997.50 USD 1050.00 USD
total price
[+] More Specifications [-] More Specifications
- RS232 Rx-Tx-GND connections Both on Modem Side and  Meter Side
- Auto reads Electricity meters that communicates in IEC62056-21 standard and maps in predefined MODBUS register table
- Configurable Modbus address via Modbus Commands 
- Configurable Reading Period on IEC6056-21 side via Modbus Commands
- Configurable Reading Table Number on IEC6056-21 side via Modbus Commands 
- Wide range power input: 5V – 24V DC
- Wide operating temperature range from -40 to 85 °C 
- Very Small form factor, only 2.1 x 4.2 x 4.4cm
- Customization of reading process and register tables based on client request
- Firmware upgradable over serial line

  • Payment Options

    Bank wire transfer option is available. Please contact us with your company commercial details for this method.

  • Drivers

    My operation system is
    Relase Date: 2017-08-30
    X86 (32-BIT): 2.12.28
    X64 (64-BIT): 2.12.28

  • Delivery

    We ship worldwide via Express shipment. It takes maximum 2-3 days to deliver. It is always possible to use customer courier account and please contact us for that specific requirements.

  • Money back guarantee

    We offer you money back guarantee if you do not satisfy with the quality and performance of our probes.